Sunday, 7 December 2008

Analysing Mise En Scene


In this scene we can see dim lighting (low key lighting) which can connote love or a romantic scene. We can see that the characters are facing each other in toast, which could show that it is inevitable that they end up together (if they aren't already). There is a use of side lighting but very dimly. There is filler light but deliberately not too much to kill out shadows as shadows can show romance in some instances.


In this scene there is a medium shot to show the woman in the scene and her facial expressions and gestures. This could be to show thatshe is in a stressful job; as we can see piles of objects in the background. There is use of high key lighting possibly to show emotion and happiness through the movie, and scene.

Colour Purple

In this scene we can see that the character is upset. There is high key lightinng in the background, and a dimmer light on her face which brings out her bruises on her face. This could be to show that her life is far from the happy bright life we can see the lighting in the background connotes. The dim focus on her face shows there is no filler light, which also shows sadness.


In this scene we can see John Hancock standing in an upright, almost superir position. The use of direct light on his face aside his facial expression shows his superiority. The camera is at a low angle which highlights his superiority additionally. The background is dim and blurred, which draws attention tothe characters face as he is the main attraction of the scene.

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Extention Tasks: To Analyse The Cinematography Of Two Film Extracts From Different Eras.


Badboys2 is a film about two FBI agents who find that their loved one is in the midst of a crack deal, and venge to seek justice; using any means necessary.

The camerawork used in the scene I analysed, was prodominantly high angle shot. I found that it were necessary to use this shot as although we are not the character being questioned, it does put us in his situation as though we are looking over him, but not quite him; possibly a 3rd person view. This could have been used to emphasise the the fear that the character had felt at the moment. I also noticed there were low angle shots, perhaps to show the point of view and the feelings of the questioner. I noticed alot of switching of shots to show different points of view in the scene, which could be to show tention between the two characters.
Shots used were prodominantly medium, to show the facial expressions of all charcters in the shot. There was low angle shots when Mike (Will Smith) enters, to show he is dominant and make the audience fe they are at his 'mercy'. There was no use of panning, tracking or tilts in the scene.

Enter The Dragon..

Enter The Dragon is a film featuring Bruce Lee, and the famous fight between himself, and his student Chuck Norris.

The camerawork used in this scene i analysed, featured a long shot at the start, which could be to show that they are on the same level of experience, als just to simply fit them in the same frame, and to show that they have a fued via their facial expressions and body languages. There are alot of medium and close shots of the characters faces to sow their anger and feelings, as well as long shots to show their 'muscles'.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Film Noir... (Black Film)

Film noir generally means black film in translation, but in actual context meaning is film which emphasises sexual meaning ambiguity, and challeges stereotypes. Hollywood's classic film noir period ranges from the early 40's to late 50's. An example of this would be Stranger on the Trid Floor. Film noir then and now is associated with low-key lighting which originally roots from the German Expressionist cinematography, while many of the prototypical stories and much of the attitude of classic noir derive from the Hardboiled school of crime fiction that emerged in the United States during the Depression.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Analysis.. Again..

I chose to analyse a picture from nutty proffesor.
The picture shows sadness in the main characters face. The use of lighting helps to connote this. There is top-side lighting which shows the facial expression, but no filler light; to emphasise on his expression. He is also shown with a tub of ice cream in his hand, and as we can see that he a large being, we can presume that he is upset, and comfort eating.
The camera used used is at eye level, but as we r looking directly at him, it puts us in a view where we can see what is going on, and we sympathise with him.
This could cause the audience to think badly, or have sypathy for the character, and puts us in his shoes in a sence, as in a cinema, we hold popcorn, he holds ice cream etc.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Batman Begins.. : Analysis of a Film Poster

Costumes =>

The costume worn by Batman is black, which could add emphasis on his dark, mysterious personality and characteristics. In addition to this, you can see the printed biceps and muscles on his chest, which could be used to show strength superiority.

Lighting =>

There is alot of low key lighting used on the poster. This could be to connote the sudden darkness of the character, and the darkness of the setting he bases himself in. This could show the audience that this town has many villains lurking about.

Actors =>

There is only a shot of Batman on the poster. This could be to show he is the only character, but also to add emphasis on him being the main charater, having no sidekicks or helpers. In addition to this, the actor Christian Bale, is known from many successful movies such as Shaft, American Psycho, Equililibrium and the previous Batman movie.

Make-up =>

There isn't much use of make-up shown on the poster. Because of the long range shot taken of Batman, it is hard for the audience to see his face/ facial epressions.

Props =>

There is no props used in the poster which could connote that Batman has such special ability and strength that he has no use for weapons. This could attract a younger audience, one) because there is no 'in your face violence or reference to violence, and two) It again makes Batman seem more superhero-like which is what i presume the audience will take interest in.

Setting =>

The setting seems to show destruction and add more emphasis to the title 'Dark Knight'. There is a lot of smoke and rubble shown in the poster, which also could show breakdown in confidence, attitudes, relationships or friendships etc. I also noticed the Batman logo in flames shown in the background. This could be to show that his name is at risk or 'burning point' and the film is set to explore this.

Comic Genre=>

The costumes used shows the genre of the movie as comic films are best known for their capes, and tightness. The camera angle of the shot also shows that Batman is superior with its low angle. This could 'intimidate' and 'interest' the audience.


The movie could be addressed to an audience between 12 and 25. I say this because the poster shows destruction, which could show that there is moderate violence in the movie, attracting the male 12year old. It could additionally attract comic book readers, and most of that audience tend to be in teir 20's now. Lastly, Women may also like this as it features a well known 'buff' actor.

Text/ Typography =>

The title and text is written in white bold fonts. This could be to show that the character is pure deep down, and to contradict the title. This could intruige the audience into thinking about the twist of the movie.

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Institution Case Study


Pathe is one of the oldest media companies in the world. Their roots lie in 1890s Paris where their founder, Charles Pathe, pioneered the development of the moving image.
Pathe was established in London in 1902, and by 1910 were producing their famous bi-weekly newsreel the Pathe Gazette.

Pathe has produced movies such as:

Easy Virtue
The Duchess
Linha de Passé
The Fox and the Child

British Pathe is owned by the Daily Mail and General Trust Group. British Pathe footage sales are now managed by ITN Source.

3,500 Hours Of Video...
12 Million Still Images...
75 Years Of Entertainment

Revolver Entertainment!

Revolver Entertainment is one of the UK's leading 'All Rights' distribution comapanies, shaking up the industry with a unique approach to managing its edgy slate of film and DVD releases.
Revolver Entertainment was formed in 1997, and has recently been listed the 14th largest film distributor and the 20th largest home entertainment publisher in the UK out of 200 hundred active labels.

Revolver has produced films such as:

Tell No One,
Taxi To The Dark Side,
My Brother Is An Only Child.
Revolver has had 15 Theatrical Releases And Over 50 Entertainment Titles.
Revolver Entertainment’s Films Have Led To OSCAR And BAFTA Nominations.

Friday, 14 November 2008


The title itself 'Face of Fear' connotes the theme of horror violence dramatic scenes. Face of Fear could also connote a character that represents fear. The sound used was different music and wasn't mainstream which sounded like a background theme meaning the events of the trailer could be the actual acts or meaning to the rest of the song. The sound was just a background beat and there was drums and it was building up and the sound of the background music was deep leading to a climax.

WWW: You used alot of inference to the trailer, You used a wider range of vocabulary than most, and you have a good knowledge of the effects sound can have.
EBI: You used connectives, and refered back to the effects on audience.

The title "face Of Fear" in itself places emphasis on the theme of horror, and violence. In addition to this, the title could show that there is a character included, that represents fear. There were many different types of music used in the trailer, none of which were mainstream.. and were used as background music. With the play, it could have been showing the story of the song, or vise versa. There was mostly music played in the background. Drums and the building of noise showed the points of climax throughout the trailer.

There are many different features of the trailer that makes it a successful trailer.Firstly the sound of the trailer attracts the audience in even more closer than they already are, there is a use of Diegetic and non- Diegetic sound. The use of both of these sounds in the trailer is very successful, as by the audience listening to the diegetic sound it helps them to understand more clearly what is going on in the trailer. Also the dialogue language used in the trailer is referred to as slang, for example: “you think you’re bad yeah… Show me what you got”

WWW: You used quotes from the trailer, You used good media terminology, And explained the effects on audience.
EBI: You Explanded, and Used capital letters in their relevant plac
In "A Rappers Ambition", there are many different features in the trailer, which helps its success. The sound used; i.e: the voiceover at the end, the music build up at the beginning. The useage of non-diagetic, and diagetic sounds in addition, makes the trailer look professional, therefore attracting the audience, and ultimately, making the trailer look appealing. Lastly, the use of slang in the trailer shows the audience it is aimed at, and my also attract the audience intended as it is both at level, or simply covers the topic/issues they are most interested in. It may also attract an older audience, as they may like an insight into the life of a teen rap artist..

The “Face Of Fear” Trailer Lasts For Around 2 Minutes, 34 Seconds. Face Of Fear Is About A Group Of Friends Lost In The Middle Of Nowhere. A Psychopath Is Then Shown To Be After Them As He Wishes To Slaughter Each Person There. This Trailer Appeals To People Who Are Into The Theme Of Horror. This Is Because, The Trailer Shows Clips Of The Psychopath Wanting To Slay The Friends, Therefore, Following Wherever They Go. As A Result, This Creates An Enigma For The Audience As It Shows A Lot Of Suspense, Leaving The Audience To Question What Is Going To Happen Next.

WWW: Gives brief synopsis on trailer, Discussed appeal on audience, And the effects on audience.
EBI: You stopped using capital letters at the beginning of each sentence.

The "Face O Fear" trailer is 2minutes, 34seconds. The trailer Is about a group of friends lost in the middle of nowhere. I noticed at 28seconds, there were already non diagetic sounds.. Such as: The birds in the background. In addition, i noticed diagetic sounds such as the background music. The music is calm, and toegether with the birds singing in the background emphasises peace and harmony throughout the area.
Furthermore, I noticed there was alot of natural light used in the opening of the trailer, which again, emphasises on the calmness of the setting.
This quickly fades to dark, and the daylight becomes night, which then fades out to a danger signpost. This shows the audience that there is a change of mood and tone to the trailer. There is alot of low key lighting used, the music grows in intensity as the trailer goes along, and the mood of the characters sums up the anxiety levels of the play.
A heartbeat is used to put the audience in the characters place, almost showing how they are feeling through sound. The camera is also beating in time with the heart, which is a good effect. It goes well with the characters muffled 'hello'ing'' in the background.
The trailer could appeal to an older audience, as it is a horror and may not be suitable for younger viewers. The clip shows a psychopath who wishes to slay the lost girls.. Leaving the audience in suspence and eager for more.

Monday, 10 November 2008


The trailer I have decided to analyse is Crime. I like this trailer as it is very informative and gives graphic detail into the life of a drug addict.

Clothing and costumes used were basic but worked very well with the trailer. We as an audience could see right away who the drug addict was from clothing, and the bahaviour and manner he carries with him throughout the film. His clothes were rugged and and dirty which shows the status of the addict (possibly being E class as he is homeless.. or all money earned is funding his drug addiction). Had this been an actual footage shown on Channel 4, the audience it would have been aimed at would be eitha those from the C/B class, or the older teen audience. This could be to inform those less likely to get involved with drugs what it is like, and to explain to teens why not to try or go onto it.
Lighting used is very dim; infact I didn't notice too many special effects in the trailer at all, however the content of the trailer makes up for this. Perhaps the lack of lighting was deliberate, in order to contrast the tnterviewee's feelings about the drug.. Or the drug itself.
Actors used were important, and well executed as they featured a real life drug addict. I believe what separated this from so many other trailers was that the group had gone an extra mile by getting a real life drug addict, which could have been dangerous.
There was no make-up used in the trailer.
Props used; real drugs. this showed the seriousness of the show, and why people shouldn't start it in the first place. It worked well as it shows just how serious the drug actually is.
Setting and scenery is bleak, dark, and dirty. The scenery could be to reflect the badness of the drug, or the person that uses it.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Radio, TV Series, and Film analysis

The works I decided to analyse were Double Income (Radio Platform), Goodnight Sweetheart (TV Series), and Big Mommas House 2 (Film). I chose these as they all featured a husband and wife that have alot of friends and are sometimes influenced by them.

Goodnight Sweetheart was a very successful BBC sitcom which was aired between 1993 and 1999. The show was about a middle aged man who figures that he has the ability to travel between the WWII.. And the present day. Made by BBC
It shows him interacting with his family and being very popular amoungst friends.
Double Income was a radio sitcom aired in 2001-2003 and was very successful with good listener figures. The lead character was David Tennant (also known as 'the doctor' in doctor who). The sitcom is about a couple who are popular with friends, and try to evade having children.. children ends up finding them soon enough though. Made by BBC
Lastly, Big Momma's House. Although it seems a far-fetched combination of comedies, B.M.H also features a couple that are well known and easily swayed by friends opinions. Even when Martin Lawrence plays 'Big Momma', he is well known, and is popular amongst friends. He too is in a relationship. Made by fox
There wasn't an official site for Big Mommas House 2.. But this has the gross income made for the film, and other aspects.
This was where i found a poster for Goodnight Sweetheart..

And there were no posters for 'double income, no kids yet'.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Trailer Analysis.

I chose to analyse the Adulthood trailer as it covers the genre and materials that i am most likely to use in my own production. I can see in the genre that it starts off with no music, or voiceover, and these conventions are most comman in films nowdays. Music used, when used is very upbeat and the song 'kidulthood to adulthood' was obviously made to promote the film, and vice-versa.
Another aspect i noticed was how the 'villain' from the previous film was portrayed in the first clip, and how over the trailer, we can see that he is trying to change is ways, and there is alot that is stopping him being accepted.
Camera movement is very quick, showing clips of old faces alot of 'panning' camera movement. In addition, music changes from the upbeat action type at the start, to a calmer, mealow, almost 'pitiful' song at the end showing the problems the main character goes through.
Lastly, I noticed that the lighting in the trailer is used well, especially at the end where a close up of the main characters face comes into view.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Media Awards.

My favourite media production was crime. Crime was my favourite production as it showed the real life truths behind drugs, with a REAL police officer, and a REAL 'Bitty' (exact word used of the review. In addition, it strongly emphasises the addiction behind drugs, and a first-hand users opinion on the drug.

Another production I enjoyed was 'How Homophobic is London'. I enjoyed this, as it was brave to show such a documentary to the unkind audience of youths. Not only that though, but it did infact slightly alter my views on the topic.

Lastly, I enjoyed 'Stranger'. It was hard hitting, and made me think of past times when i was hanging around with people doing certain things, making people fell certain feelings.. Put me in the opposite shoes for a change.
Attainment: 2
I said '2', as at the start of the year i got distracted.. im alright now though.
Effort : 2
I said 2 as I tend to work when i am pushed.. however if its important, i don't need to be told twice.
Punctuality :1
Ihave never been late (except the firat day of school, and even then i left a voicemail on the school system), and never missed a day of school.
Submission and quality of homework 3
I tend to leave things to the last minute, and not take much notice of it. On the other hand, i do remember what work i do, and the research i have done.
Ability to work independently :2
I work best by myself and no distractions.
Quality of writing :2
If told to write an essay, or to take notes on a particular topic, im quite good.
Organisation of Media folder :3
lol.. ermmm.. I know how to revise from my folder.. I doubt anybody else will though.
Oral contributions in class :2
I love to take part in the lesson, Can't shut up... Lol

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Magazine Ideas

My magazine will be called 'Buns', and will be aimed at men aged between 16-35. It will have the latest news on male topics such as; Football and sport, cars, a segment dedicated to new song an film releases and the top 15 albums at that given time.
I will be looking for the interest of advertisers such as:

I will be hoping to gain attention of viewers by advertising big name brands such as these on the right hand page, in order to gain public views.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Newspaper Research

The Daily Telegraph
Sales fell 3.95% and 12.3% in throughout the year.
8.18% decrease
Rose price from 80p to £1 and on weekends 1.50-1.60 on Saturdays.
The Guardian
Increased by 4.9 % overall sales fell by 5.08%.
0.18% decrease
The Guardian is a big newspaper and had too much information packed into the front cover. The paper’s price had increased 1.50- to 1.60
Increased by 10.17%

Financial Times
Increased by 2.83% from August. However, throughout the course of the year circulation was down by 2.68 overall
15% decrease overall
Due to economy, deteriorating and people could not afford the higher prices and found there was no need because it was shown on televisions.
The Sun
Circulation had risen 0.2% and 1.83% from last year.
1.63% increase
The stories the sun may had increased sales
Fell by 3.9% each month and overall 12.1% throughout the year.
7.3 % decrease
Increased cover price 80p to £1
Independent on Sunday
Fell 7.2% in September in a year sales fell 14.5%
21.7% decrease
Increased cover price from 80p to £1
The News Of the World
Sales decreased 0.22%and decreased 5.93 in a year
5.71 decrease

The Daily Express
9.31% from 2007 now increased 0.05%
9.91% compared to last year
Sales stuck around 655,000 therefore the Daily express cannot increase their sales
The telegraphs sales increased 0.47% overall they lost 4.46%
3.99% decrease
Prices rises to 90p
The Daily Mail
Sales decreased by 0.76% each year sales declined of 5.23%
4.47% decrease
Unnecessary information.
The Times
Sales increased 4.12% despite rise in price from 70p to 80p

The non negative news that The Times had shown
Mail on Sunday
Increased sales by 2.83% lost 4.68% circulation in 2007.
-0.85% decrease
Prices had risen due to economy.

Sunday, 5 October 2008

The Monitoring Company

The Rules
There will be a webcam on every computer in a household.
Computers with internet, based in a youths room will be automatically switched off by us (TMC) after 9pm.
In order to download or watch anything rated over youths age musthave proof of age varified by passport (scanning on pc), drivers licence (if appropriate), oyster in some cases, or credit card details.
Downloading may only be done from TMC approved websites.

Breaking The Rules
Anybody found to be ignoring these guidelines will be caught..
and a letter will be sent to either: school, house, mothers work etc.

Who Should Be Regulators Of The Net?
The net providers should be the regulators of the net. They should put blocks on certain sites, the same way that you have to send you phone number to facebook in order to add friends, that way they can tell peoples age when they sign up.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

An anthropological introduction to YouTube

in 1948 abc was introduced
9232 hours a day
385 always on tv channels
200 000 3 minute vids
88% new and original content

Numa Numa and the Celebration of Webcams
created year 2004 december

The Machine is Us/ing Us and the New Mediascape
he started with text on paper and what it means
not just about people, about linking people in new ways
every 6months there is a new way.
when we change, media changes

Introducing our Research Team
10 undergraduate students,
data uploading, students can take notes and upload at any time.

Who is on YouTube?
over 50% of youtube viewers are aged between teenage and 34

What's on Youtube? Charlie Bit My Finger, Soulja Boy, etc.
92 year old playing piano
most commonly uploaded are home videos
viewed over 30million times
redone over 2000 times
15% are remakes of the video

5% of vids are personal vlogs addressed to the YouTube community, Why?
the loss of community over time

YouTube in context. The loss of community and "networked individualism" (Wellman)
less free time

Cultural Inversion: individualism and community
express: individualism, independant, commercialisation
value: community, relationships, authenticity

Understanding new forms of community through Participant Observation
the core of our methodology,
have to understand it to experience it

YouTube as a medium for community
build community through webcams
everytime you go onto a webcam, the person is unknown

Our first vlogs
people basically film themselves and post their videos on the net. they edit and retake to make it look perfect; hair, type of shot etc.

The webcam: Everybody is watching where nobody is ("context collapse")
the way that we look pose and remake ourselves for a webcamera trying to be somebody else when nobody is there, when in actual fact the whold world can see you.

Re-cognition and new forms of self-awareness (McLuhan)
everybody and anybody may be looking at you, including yourself.

The Anonymity of Watching YouTube: Haters and Lovers
"some of the comments on youtube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone, never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred."
Lev Grossman
time magazine. dec 13th 2006

Aesthetic Arrest
people are overwhelmed with what they have infront of thenm, so they just sit and stare.
cultual tension.
craving connection.

Connection without Constraint
people are connecting through youtube.
media do not just distance us,
they connect us in different ways.
but sometimes that distance brings us closer toegether.

Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is E.Media.. New methods of communication via the net ie: MSN, Blogging, Bebo, and other networking sites. Web 1.0 is the old media, web 2.0 being the 'updated version' of the above.

My views on web 2.0

I believe that this is a good teaching, as it allows work to be done from home, and sent in an instant to the desired destination.

Downsides for this could be that private documents could be accessed by others through the net. And privacy could be an issue.