The title itself 'Face of Fear' connotes the theme of horror violence dramatic scenes. Face of Fear could also connote a character that represents fear. The sound used was different music and wasn't mainstream which sounded like a background theme meaning the events of the trailer could be the actual acts or meaning to the rest of the song. The sound was just a background beat and there was drums and it was building up and the sound of the background music was deep leading to a climax.
WWW: You used alot of inference to the trailer, You used a wider range of vocabulary than most, and you have a good knowledge of the effects sound can have.
EBI: You used connectives, and refered back to the effects on audience.
The title "face Of Fear" in itself places emphasis on the theme of horror, and violence. In addition to this, the title could show that there is a character included, that represents fear. There were many different types of music used in the trailer, none of which were mainstream.. and were used as background music. With the play, it could have been showing the story of the song, or vise versa. There was mostly music played in the background. Drums and the building of noise showed the points of climax throughout the trailer.