Sunday, 23 November 2008

Batman Begins.. : Analysis of a Film Poster

Costumes =>

The costume worn by Batman is black, which could add emphasis on his dark, mysterious personality and characteristics. In addition to this, you can see the printed biceps and muscles on his chest, which could be used to show strength superiority.

Lighting =>

There is alot of low key lighting used on the poster. This could be to connote the sudden darkness of the character, and the darkness of the setting he bases himself in. This could show the audience that this town has many villains lurking about.

Actors =>

There is only a shot of Batman on the poster. This could be to show he is the only character, but also to add emphasis on him being the main charater, having no sidekicks or helpers. In addition to this, the actor Christian Bale, is known from many successful movies such as Shaft, American Psycho, Equililibrium and the previous Batman movie.

Make-up =>

There isn't much use of make-up shown on the poster. Because of the long range shot taken of Batman, it is hard for the audience to see his face/ facial epressions.

Props =>

There is no props used in the poster which could connote that Batman has such special ability and strength that he has no use for weapons. This could attract a younger audience, one) because there is no 'in your face violence or reference to violence, and two) It again makes Batman seem more superhero-like which is what i presume the audience will take interest in.

Setting =>

The setting seems to show destruction and add more emphasis to the title 'Dark Knight'. There is a lot of smoke and rubble shown in the poster, which also could show breakdown in confidence, attitudes, relationships or friendships etc. I also noticed the Batman logo in flames shown in the background. This could be to show that his name is at risk or 'burning point' and the film is set to explore this.

Comic Genre=>

The costumes used shows the genre of the movie as comic films are best known for their capes, and tightness. The camera angle of the shot also shows that Batman is superior with its low angle. This could 'intimidate' and 'interest' the audience.


The movie could be addressed to an audience between 12 and 25. I say this because the poster shows destruction, which could show that there is moderate violence in the movie, attracting the male 12year old. It could additionally attract comic book readers, and most of that audience tend to be in teir 20's now. Lastly, Women may also like this as it features a well known 'buff' actor.

Text/ Typography =>

The title and text is written in white bold fonts. This could be to show that the character is pure deep down, and to contradict the title. This could intruige the audience into thinking about the twist of the movie.