The trailer I have decided to analyse is Crime. I like this trailer as it is very informative and gives graphic detail into the life of a drug addict.
Clothing and costumes used were basic but worked very well with the trailer. We as an audience could see right away who the drug addict was from clothing, and the bahaviour and manner he carries with him throughout the film. His clothes were rugged and and dirty which shows the status of the addict (possibly being E class as he is homeless.. or all money earned is funding his drug addiction). Had this been an actual footage shown on Channel 4, the audience it would have been aimed at would be eitha those from the C/B class, or the older teen audience. This could be to inform those less likely to get involved with drugs what it is like, and to explain to teens why not to try or go onto it.
Lighting used is very dim; infact I didn't notice too many special effects in the trailer at all, however the content of the trailer makes up for this. Perhaps the lack of lighting was deliberate, in order to contrast the tnterviewee's feelings about the drug.. Or the drug itself.
Actors used were important, and well executed as they featured a real life drug addict. I believe what separated this from so many other trailers was that the group had gone an extra mile by getting a real life drug addict, which could have been dangerous.
There was no make-up used in the trailer.
Props used; real drugs. this showed the seriousness of the show, and why people shouldn't start it in the first place. It worked well as it shows just how serious the drug actually is.
Setting and scenery is bleak, dark, and dirty. The scenery could be to reflect the badness of the drug, or the person that uses it.